There's a rumble in the jungle......

" A promising future is most often the result of a legendary past.
Founded on the footsteps of breed legends,looking to a future filled with great promise".

Dragon Fire At Crisanda
~ Drogon~

Crisanda Affens

This handsome boy was born here at Crisanda and was my first litter by his beautiful sire Ch SH Pepito Grillo v Tani Kazari. The entire litter was nice and I kept two of the three puppies.

I am so very grateful to Mieke Cooijmans for sharing her special, invaluable Tani Kazari lines with me, and for trusting this beautiful prepotent male with me. I am forever grateful for her trust and wisdom, and trusting me with this beautiful Pepe and Dolly son. My deepest appreciation and gratitude to Mieke Cooijmans, for choosing us to be his forever home of the lovely Pepito. I am forever grateful for her trust and wisdom.

.....** Due to contractual obligations our Affen males are not available to the public for breeding services.….** Due to contractual obligations our Affen males are not available to the public for breeding services. ....

Dragon Fire At Crisanda
  • Vickie Ehrlekrona
  • Owner:
  • Vickie Ehrlekrona
  • ParentsGrandparentsGreat Grandparents
    Ch SH Pepito Grillo v Tani Kazari BIS/Supreme BIS Am CH Pepe Le Pew V Tani Kazari 2013 Westminster BIS Winner Multiple BIS/BISS AM BGCH CH Banana Joe v Tani Kazari
    Bonnie Bamboo v Tani Kazar
    CH Dolly The Doll v Tani Kazari 2013 Westminster BIS Winner Multiple BIS/BISS AM BGCH CH Banana Joe v Tani Kazari
    CH Avenue Alma v Tani Kazari
    CH The Queen’s GambitCh Ribbleriver Top Gun Eng CH Induna Little Tommy Tucker
    Merlinscave Cleopatra
    CH Spun In Gold At Crisanda Ch Cobblers Manolo Mocha
    AM CH Portrait Of A Star At Crisanda
    Pedigrees are deemed reliable but not guaranteed for accuracy.

    " Do not look back because that's not the way you're going... "
    ~ Unknown ~

    The beautiful Affens that grace these pages are the result of decades of decicated Affen breeders around the world.

    ©Vickie Ehrlekrona ~ Crisanda Affenpinschers ~
    All rights reserved